Know your local sex offender
Governor Paterson recently signed into law a new initiative enabling you to receive alerts when a moderate or high level sex offender moves into an area of interest to you. It is called NY-ALERT. It will also notify you of weather alerts, highway emergencies, Amber alerts, etc. It can be fine tuned to alert you just for Hartford if you want to narrow it down to your local region.
I signed up for the alert and it took me about 15 minutes of fiddling around until I got all the alerts I wanted. I chose the whole town of Hartford plus a distance circle of some miles around my house which took in small parts of neighboring towns.
The alerts can be sent to you via email, cell text, pager, fax, etc. You create the custom notification system you want used.
In order to create and account (no charge) and sign up for this, go to choose the various options available. The NY-ALERT website is provided by the NY State Emerg. Mngmnt Office (SEMO).