County farmer workshop to be held in Hartford
Attention County farmers,
This is a reminder about a County Farmer workshop to assist in drafting a County Ag and Farmland Protection Plan.
Hartford was selected as a central meeting spot for all of the farmers in central and northern Washington County.
When: Monday Feb 8th Noon to 2pm (light lunch will be served)
Where: Hartford Town Hall
RSVP: 692-7285 or [email protected]
Here is a press release describing the workshop. Dana
HARTFORD – W a s h i n g t o n County is in the process of updating its Agricultural and Farmland Protection Plan. The goal of the update is to generate a new list of goals and strategies to strengthen and support the local ag sector. We hope a few great ideas will rise to the top and we can pursue state funding to implement them. The Plan is only as good as the input received, so we truly need your ideas, challenges and possible solutions. The workshop is being held on: Monday, February 8th at Hartford Town Hall from noon until 2pm. A complimentary light lunch will be provided. All county farmers will be asked to participate in a brief survey asking for help to prioritize the identified goals and strategies that come out of these workshops, discussions and interviews. Everyone, including the general public, will have an opportunity to comment on the draft plan which is expected to be available later in 2016. The County received a state grant to update its plan and contracted with Agricultural Stewardship Association (ASA) to implement the grant. Please RSVP to ASA by emailing [email protected] or by phone at 692-7285 at least a day before the workshop. For those farmers that cannot attend the meeting but would like to participate in either a phone or in-person interview or a brief survey, please contact Renee at ASA.