I received a call today from U.S. Rep. Scott Murphy’s office about the Civil War Enlistment Center. The Congressman wants to visit the center on Thursday, June 3rd at 12:30 pm.
As you may remember, The Town of Hartford and Hartford’s Historical Society requested that Congressman Murphy see what he could do to help preserve the center. The masonry foundation of the center is failing and it is estimated that it will take about $60,000 to jack the building up and replace the foundation. It goes without saying that if the foundation fails, the building falls dawn.
This Enlistment Center, at #55 County Route 23 (Main Street) is where men from Hartford and Hebron signed up to join the 123rd NY Volunteers in the Civil War. The were assigned to Company E.
This Enlistment Center is the only remaining Civil War Enlistment Center in the entire state. It is important to our cultural heritage that this center be preserved. Unfortunately, the Town and the Historical Group lack the funds to do so, which is why we reached out to Representative Murphy.
The Historical Society is having a meeting at the center on May 26th 7pm open to the public.
If you are interested in coming to the center on June 3rd to impress upon the Congressman the urgent need this center has for repairs and his assistance in preserving it, please do so.