Small Claims Application

Hartford Town Court

165 Hartford Main Street

Granville, NY12832

Telephone (518) 632-9274

Fax (518) 632-0032

Hon. Sharon Schofield
Town Justice

Stephanie Euber
Court Clerk

Application for Small Claims Action

Date: ____________________
Filing Fees:

Claim up to $1000.00 =  $10.00
Claim $1001.00 to $3000.00 = $15.00

              (Payable in Cash, Money Order, Certified Check, MasterCard or VISA ONLY)


Plaintiff:  (Please PRINT clearly)


Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Address:  _________________________________________________________________________


Telephone #: ____________________________________


Defendant:  (Please PRINT clearly)


Name: _________________________________________________________________________

Address:  _________________________________________________________________________


Telephone #: ____________________________________


Total Amount of claim: $ _____________________ ( Can NOT exceed $3000.00)


Nature of claim: (Please PRINT clearly) __________________________________________________





Signature of Applicant: ________________________________________________________________


For Court Use Only – Do Not Write Below This Line


Docket # _______________________                   Court Date: ____