Town of Hartford Planning Board Meeting
November 25, 2014
Members Present:
Phil Gibson
Michael Swezey, Chairman
Gary Burch, Vice Chairman
Bob Oreschnick
Leonard Moore
Ron Combs
Chris DeBolt, Clerk/Alternate
Also Present:
Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town
Mark Miller, Code enforcement officer for the Town
John Winn, Attorney for Rasweiler
Members Absent:
Barry Goldstein
Nancy Pillar, Alternate
Chairman Swezey opened the meeting at 7:00p.m.
A motion was made by Combs, seconded by Oreschnick to approve the minutes of the October 28, 2014 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Rasweiler Property (#14-08):
Mr. John Winn, Attorney for the applicant, presented the proposed subdivision to the board. Issues were raised regarding access to proposed lot #3. The board wanted clarification regarding the depicted right-of-way. Ownership of the right-of-way is unclear, and deeds presented to the board describe lots adjoining said right-or-way, but no description of the right-of-way itself was contained in any of the deeds presented to the board. The board instructed Mr. Winn to attempt to find the owner of the right-of-way and status of that ownership so that the board can be certain that road access will provided to each of the lots proposed in the application. Mr. Winn stated that he would research the matter further and return to the board when the necessary information has been obtained.
New Business:
Land Conversion Plan for Jeff Hensel:
Mr. Gary Burch presented the board with a copy of the land conversion plan for his client, Mr. Jeff Hensel. The plan encompasses 75 acres on Burch Road and will result in the conversion from the current forested condition to pasture land. This conversion is being undertaken to support a new farming operation which will raise grass-fed beef on the pasture lands created by the land conversion. The client is also working with Washington County Soil and Water to ensure that the conversion is being done in a responsible manner.
After discussion between the board and Mr. Burch, a motion was made by Swezey, seconded by Oreschnick to classify the proposed conversion of forested land to pasture on tax parcel # 151.-2-4.2 on Burch Road in the Town of Hartford as exempt from Site Plan Review as an agricultural operation. The motion passed by roll call vote, with Mr. Burch recusing himself from the vote.
At 7:55pm, a motion was made by Burch, seconded by Moore to adjourn the meeting. This motion passed by unanimous vote.
Respectfully submitted,
Chris DeBolt
Hartford Planning Board Clerk