Town of Hartford Planning Board
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Members Members Absent:
Chairman: Michael Swezey Chris DeBolt
Vice Chairman: Patty Happy
Secretary: Randy White
Member: Vito Cavallari
Member: William Cuddy
Member: Robert Oreschnick
Member: Stephen LeBlanc
Also Present:
Alternate: Town Attorney Jeff Meyer
Alternate: Code Enforcement Mark Miller
Meeting Opened at 7:00 PM via Zoom Conference Call
Application# 20-3 Applicant: Elinor Burch, 3985 State Route 196, Hartford, NY
Parcel ID# 140.-2-2 Aaron Westover,1644 State Route 196 Ft Ed NY
Location: NYS Route 196
Description: Subdivide parcel and remove the hook adjoining the parcels across Route 196.
Motion: Subdivide the parcel and remove the hook, contingent on a survey.
Moved by: Oreschnick Seconded by: Cavallari
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Abstain: 0
Motion: Upon receipt of a survey allow the Chairman and Secretary to approve the subdivision of the parcel and sign the Mylar. Public hearing is waved due to the exsisting dividing line being State Route 196.
Moved by: Oreschnick Seconded by: Cavallari
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Abstain: 0
Meeting Closed at 7:20
Respectfully submitted,
Randy White
Secretary, Planning Board
Town of Hartford