March 26, 2019

Town of Hartford Planning Board
Tuesday,  March 26, 2019
Members  Members Absent:
Chairman:Michael SwezeyChris DeBolt
Vice Chairman:Patty HappyRobert Oreschnick
Secretary:Randy White
Member: Vito Cavallari
Member: William Cuddy
Also Present:
Alternate:Jennifer PerezTown Attorney  Jeff Meyer
Alternate:Stephen LeBlancCode EnforcementMark Miller
  Meeting Opened at7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Motion: Assign voting rights to alternate Perez and LeBlanc in the absence of Oreschnick and DeBolt.
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:Happy
Ayes: 5Nays:0
Approval of  February 26, 2019 meeting minutes.
Motion: Approve minutes as written.
Moved by:PerezSeconded by:Swezey
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Application#19-1Applicant:Paul Donaldson
Parcel ID#149.-1-1.3
Location:3360 State Route 196 Fort Ann NY 12827
Motion:Open public hearing. 
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:Happy
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Motion:Close public hearing with no public response
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:Happy
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Motion:SEQR completed, declare a Neg Dec.
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:Cavallari
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Motion:Approve the application and stamped Mylar. Received $50 cash.
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:Cavallari
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Application#Applicant:Debra White   518-796-4516
Parcel ID#140.-2-2
Location:3985 State Route 196
Description:Change in use of property from “What’s Cookin BBQ” to a Farmers Market, and community  interaction venue.
Disussion:Applicant was instructed to provide the Board with a sketch and detailed narative on proposed actions/use of the property.  The applicant was informed there will be a $50 application fee.
Application##19-2Applicant:Mark Lindgren
Parcel ID#151.-2-4.6
Location:Washburn Hill Road
Description:Subdivision of one acre from the 42.6 acre parcel.
Motion:Accept the appliction for subdivision of 1acre from the 42.6 acre parcel. Set a Public Hearing for            April 23, 2019.
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:Happy
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Application#Applicant:Todd & Leonie Smith
Parcel ID#141.-1-30518-642-3676 [email protected]
Location:7864 State Route 40 Hartford
Dicussion:Applicant present a projection on future use of the property to include store fronts, apartments, tree farm, and car wash. Applicant stressed the importance of maintaining the agricultural visual apppeal. Applicant was looking for information and quidance on the proposed intended use of the property.  Applicant asked if general clean up and removal of old foundations was acceptable? Applicant was advised moving of ground less than one acre of land is acceptable by Town law.
Communication:No additional.
Motion to close the meeting:  
Moved by:PerezSeconded by:Swezey
Ayes: 7Nays:0
Meeting Closed at8:05pm
Respectfully submitted,
Randy White
Secretary, Planning Board
Town of Hartford