Town of Hartford Planning Board Meeting
March 25, 2014
Members Present:
Gary Burch, Vice Chairman
Phil Gibson
Leonard Moore
Michael Swezey, Chairman
Bob Oreschnick
Also Present:
Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town
Members Absent:
Barry Goldstein
Nancy Pillar, Alternate
Ron Combs
Chris DeBolt, Clerk/Alternate
Vice Chairman Burch opened the meeting at 7:05p.m.
A motion was made by Burch, seconded by Oreschnick to approve the minutes of February 25, 2014 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.
Old Business:
Oreschnick Site Plan: (Project #14-01)
A motion was made by Burch, seconded by Moore to open the public hearing for the Site Plan Application submitted by Mr. Oreschnick (Project #14-01). Motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Oreschnick recusing himself from the vote.
There being no comments from the public, a motion was made by Burch, seconded by Gibson to close the public hearing. The motion passed unanimously with Mr. Oreschnick recusing himself.
Following the completion of the EAF for the Site Plan, a motion was made by Burch, seconded by Moore to made a Negative Declaration pursuant to the completion of the board’s SEQR review. The motion passed unanimously with Mr. Oreschnick recusing himself.
A motion was then made by Moore, seconded by Burch, to Approve the Site Plan Application made by Mr. Oreschnick as submitted (Project #14-01). The motion passed unanimously, with Mr. Oreschnick recusing himself.
Updating of Local Laws:
The board inquired to Mr. Meyer regarding the status of the update of the local laws. He informed them that the revisions had been submitted by the Town Board to General Codes who needs to combine and codify them and then send them back to the Town Board for approval. He estimated that the changes would most likely go into effect no sooner than June.
New Business:
Duane Burch – Boundary Line Adjustment :
Mr. Burch came before the board inquiring as to the definition of a Boundary Line Adjustment regarding two changes he would like to make to his property. He provided maps and written descriptions of what he would like to do. The board indicated that at a minimum, Mr. Burch would need to have any new lines created within the existing parcels to be surveyed, and that the Planning Board would require a final map be prepared by a surveyor for the Planning Board to approve the modifications being proposed. The actions are deemed to be exempt boundary line adjustment, but the Board requires an official mylar in order to make that formal determination.
Thomas E. Burch – Minor Subdivision (Project 14-02):
Mr. Robert Phelan, Esq. appeared on behalf of the applicant and presented the board with proposed maps and a completed minor subdivision application for the creation of one 45.44 acre parcel from the existing 178 acre parcel with tax identification number 122.-1-15 located on Wright Road in the Town of Hartford.
Following the discussion with the board, a motion was made by Oreschnick seconded by Burch to accept the minor subdivision application as submitted and set the public hearing for the minor subdivision for the April 22, 2014 meeting of the Hartford Planning Board.
Chairman Swezey received a letter from John R. Wynn who was contacted by a member of the Raswhyler family who own approximately 30 acres on Lundy Rd. He has deeds that describe multiple parcels via meets and bounds descriptions. It appears these parcels may have been merged on a tax map. He is seeking a determination from the board deeming them exempt in accordance with the definition of a ‘parcel’. Chairman Swezey requested that Mr. Meyer look into the matter further and contact Mr. Wynn to determine what is being proposed and whether or not he should come before the board.
Motion made by Burch, seconded by Oreschnick to adjourn the meeting was made at 8:00p.m. and passed unanimously.
Respectfully Submitted,
Chris DeBolt, Planning Board Clerk