June 25, 2019

Town of Hartford Planning Board
Tuesday, June 25, 2019 
Members  Members Absent:Patty Happy
Chairman:Michael SwezeyVito Cavallari
Vice Chairman:Robert Oreschnick
Secretary:Randy WhiteJennifer Perez
Member: Chris DeBolt
Member: William Cuddy
Also Present:
Alternate:Town Attorney  Jeff Meyer
Alternate:Stephen LeBlancCode EnforcementMark Miller
Attendance:Town Board member Barbara Beecher is in attendance.
  Meeting Opened at7:00 PM with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Appointment: Chairman Swezey appoints Alternate member LeBlanc as a voting member.
Approval of  May 29, 2019 meeting minutes.
Motion: Approve minutes as written.
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:DeBolt
Ayes: 5Nays:0 
Application#19-3Applicant:Thomas & Holly Burch
Parcel ID#140.-2-2.6
Location:3841 State Route 196
Description:Presentation of the sketch plan for 2.5 megawatt AC solar array on 20-acres of the 304-acre parcel
Recommendation:Use local indigenous fauna (i.e. trees, shrubs, etc.) to make the boundary aesthetic appealing.
Motion:Recommend the Hartford Town Board appoint an Independent Engineer to review the current proposal and evaluate changes or adjustments to this project and approve the final plan. Cost will incurred will be paid by the Applicant and/or their reprsentitive.
Moved by:DeBoltSeconded by:Cuddy
Ayes: 5Nays:  
Motion to close the meeting:  
Moved by:SwezeySeconded by:White
Ayes: 5Nays:  
Meeting Closed at7:35pm
Respectfully submitted,
Randy White
Secretary, Planning Board
Town of Hartford