June 24, 2014

Town of Hartford Planning Board Meeting

June 24, 2014

Members Present:

Gary Burch, Vice Chairman

Phil Gibson

Leonard Moore

Michael Swezey, Chairman

Bob Oreschnick

Nancy Pillar, Alternate

Ron Combs

Chris DeBolt, Clerk/Alternate

Also Present:

Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town

Mark Miller, Code enforcement officer for the Town

Members Absent:

Barry Goldstein

Leonard Moore



Chairman Swezey opened the meeting at 7:00p.m.


A motion was made by Combs, seconded by Oreschnick to approve the minutes of May 20, 2014 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.


New Business:


Burch Boundary Line Adjustment: (Project #14-03)


A motion was made by Oreschnick, seconded by Combs to approve the presented boundary line adjustment as exempt from Subdivision regulations. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote, with Vice Chairman Burch recusing himself from the discussion and vote.


Pauquette Boundary Line Adjustment: (Project #14-04)


A motion was made by Oreschnick, seconded by Burch to approve the boundary line adjustment as presented as exempt from Subdivision regulations. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Woodward Equipment Co. LLC: Site Plan Application: (Project #14-05)


After a discussion of the project with the applicants, the board completed the part II of the EAF form pursuant to SEQR regulations. A motion was made by Oreschnick, seconded by Combs to issue a Negative Declaration with regard to the potential environmental impacts of the proposed project pursuant to the completion of SEQR by the Planning Board.


A motion was then made by Vice Chairman Burch, seconded by Secretary Gibson to waive the public hearing and other Site Plan application regulations as this project is a minor expansion of an existing business and to approve the project as submitted by the applicant to the Board. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.


A motion was made by Combs, seconded by Oreschnick to adjourn the meeting in the absence of any other business before the board. The motion passed by unanimous vote.


Respectfully submitted,

Chris DeBolt

Hartford Planning Board Clerk