July 22, 2014

Town of Hartford Planning Board Meeting

July 22, 2014

Members Present:

Gary Burch, Vice Chairman

Michael Swezey, Chairman

Bob Oreschnick

Barry Goldstein

Leonard Moore

Ron Combs

Chris DeBolt, Clerk/Alternate

Also Present:

Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town

Mark Miller, Code enforcement officer for the Town

Members Absent:

Phil Gibson

Nancy Pillar, Alternate


Chairman Swezey opened the meeting at 7:04p.m.


A motion was made by Moore, seconded by Burch to approve the minutes of June 24, 2014 meeting as submitted with the amendment that the minutes be changed to accurately reflect that Leonard Moore was not present for the June 24, 2014 meeting. The motion passed unanimously.


Old Business:


Rasweiler Property:


Mr. Meyer presented the board with correspondence between himself and Mr. John Winn Esq., who is representing the property owner in this project. After considerable discussion, the board and Mr. Meyer determined they had been provided with insufficient information to make a determination as to the applicability of the Town of Hartford’s Subdivision Regulations on the proposed sale of the lots in question. Mr. Meyer said he would send a letter to Mr. Winn stating that and ask for additional information so the board can determine the applicability of the regulations.




New Business:


Goldstein Boundary Line Adjustment: (Project #14-06)


Ami Goldstein appeared before the board to explain and discuss the proposed boundary line adjustment. Barry Goldstein recused himself from the discussion and subsequent vote regarding this project. After discussing the proposed line adjustment, the following motion was made by DeBolt, seconded by Oreschnick: “To conditionally approve the application as exempt from subdivision regulations as a boundary line adjustment as presented in the application and conditional upon final mylar complying with all stipulations of said application. The Chairman and Clerk of the Planning Board are hereby authorized to sign said mylar upon compliance with this resolution and that the stipulated 28 ± acres is merged with the adjoining lot with tax map # 123.-1-23.1.”


The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote, with Mr. Goldstein Abstaining.


At 7:35pm, a motion was made by Moore, seconded by Burch to adjourn the meeting. This motion passed by unanimous vote.


Respectfully submitted,

Chris DeBolt

Hartford Planning Board Clerk