Rules of Conduct

Sportsmanship: Good sportsmanship is the core of any successful youth sport and the lesson of good sportsmanship is one of the most important skills our youth learn through participation. Just as the many physical skills of any sport must be learned, developed and practiced, and also must the skill of sportsmanship. Your help in instituting and abiding good sportsmanship is greatly appreciated.

*Players or Parents practicing any conduct, physical or verbal, which infringes upon the enjoyment of the game by another either on the opposing team or a team member will be subject to immediate game suspension. If further disciplinary action is needed, the Youth Commission Committee will discuss and decide on disciplinary action that will be enforced. There will be no warnings and no appeals.

*There should be a team/individual handshake at the end of every game and any unsportsmanlike comments or actions will result in suspensions.

Formation of Team Rosters

Coordinators for each activity will form all teams in a random manner based on grade and age categories. The department does reserve the right to moving a child to a different category if safety or other factors are an issue.

Note: When completing a registration for a sport or activity, please make sure to be accurate with the child’s age so that eligible children are able to fill the correct spot. If the age given is incorrect, the child will be switched to the correct age group. Parents may be asked to present a birth certificate for proof of age.

Playing Time

One of the goals of our programs is to ensure that each participant has equal amount of playing time. Volunteer coaches will be required to practice this goal by rotating players.

The Role Of The Parent

As a parent, it is important that your reactions following a game will have a lot to do with the way in which your child enjoys the activity. The following are some guidelines on being an effective youth sports parent:

1. Support your child regardless of their success

2. Encourage your child to learn

3. Attend your child’s game whenever possible

4. Keep in mind the goals/objectives of the program

5. Don’t undermine the coach

6. Lend support to the team and coach

7. Have patience with your child and their teammates

8. Have your child properly dressed, ready for play and on time for all activities

Parent/Guardian Responsibilities as a Spectator

The following are the do’s and don’t s of the parent as a spectator:

The Do’s:

1. Do cheer for your team

2. Do show interest, enthusiasm and support for your child

3. Do be in control of your emotions

4. Do help when asked by parent volunteer or officials when possible

The Don’t s:

1. Don’t enter playing areas during games unless advised

2. Don’t advise the volunteer coach on what to do (suggestions can be made in private after the game)

3. Don’t try to “coach” your child during the game

4. Don’t make derogatory comments to players, parents, volunteers or officials

5. Don’t drink alcohol at games or come to watch games intoxicated

Additional Information

The Hartford Youth Commission is a volunteer non-profit organization. Any one willing to volunteer is always welcome. If you have any questions or concerns, they can be addressed to the program coordinator or the Commission.

Chairperson: Ronald Smith 361-4612