August 18, 2015

Town of Hartford Planning Board

Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Members Present:

 Michael Swezey (Chairman)

Gary Burch (Vice Chairman)

Philip Gibson (Secretary)

Chris DeBolt (Clerk)

Patty Happy (Alternate)

Randy White (Alternate)

Ron Combs

Leonard Moore


 Members Absent:


 Bob Oreschnick


Also Present:

Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town of Hartford

Mark Miller, Code Enforcement Officer


Chairman Swezey opened the meeting at 7:00p.m.



  • Reading and approval of preceding minutes – July 28, 2015:
Motion: To approve the minutes of the July 28, 2015 meeting as submitted.
Moved By: Combs Seconded By: Oreschnick
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0


  • Minor Subdivision – Richard and Margaret Cirino – Application #15-10
Applicant: Richard and Margaret Cirino
Location: 45 Baker Road Tax Parcel ID: 132.-2-9
Description: Reapprove previously approved minor subdivision which was never filed.

Mr. Cirino was present to answer questions from the board or public.

Motion: To open the public hearing on Site Plan Application #15-10 at 7:05 pm.
Moved By: Oreschnick Seconded By: Combs
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0


Motion: To close the public hearing on Site Plan Application #15-10 at 7:08 pm.
Moved By: Oreschnick Seconded By: Combs
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0


Upon completion of Part II of the EAF submitted with this project application, and after taking a hard look the project and the impacts the proposed project may have on the environment and the community, the following motion was made:

Motion: To issue a Negative Declaration with regard to Site Plan Application #15-10
Moved By: Oreschnick Seconded By: Combs
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0





To reapprove minor subdivision and authorize the Chairman and Clerk to stamp and sign the mylar of said subdivision.

Moved By: Burch Seconded By: Oreschnick
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0


Mr. Cirino did not have the $50.00 filing fee with him at the meeting but will get it to the board.


  • Site Plan Application – Russel and Lori Clark – Application #15-11
Applicant: Russel and Lori Clark
Location: 5052 State Route 149 Tax Parcel ID: 132.-2-38.2
Description: Operation of a flower/craft store in existing barn


Motion: To open the public hearing on Site Plan Application #15-11 at 7:16 pm
Moved By: Combs Seconded By: Oreschnick
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0


Mr. Clark was present to answer questions from the board or public.

Motion: To close the public hearing on Site Plan Application #15-11 at 7:17 pm.
Moved By: Burch Seconded By: Combs
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0



Upon completion of Part II of the EAF submitted with this project application, and after taking a hard look the project and the impacts the proposed project may have on the environment and the community, the following motion was made:

Motion: To issue a Negative Declaration with regard to Site Plan Application #15-11
Moved By: Oreschnick Seconded By: Combs
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0





To approve the Site Plan Application #15-11 to open a flower/craft store in existing barn at 5052 State Route 149.

Moved By: Oreschnick Seconded By: Moore
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0


  • Communications:


Chairman Swezey discussed a question raised to him by the Realtor representing the sale of the Goldstein property regarding the potential of a re-subdivision of the Goldstein property.


There was a discussion with Mark Miller, Code Enforcement Officer, regarding the “as built” drawing for Debbie White. The builder may not be able to get to do this drawing until the construction season winds down.  Mark Miller asked for Debbie White to return to the Sept. 22 Planning Board Meeting to discuss changes in site view.



  • Resignation of Chris DeBolt as Planning Board Clerk and appointment of Patty Happy as Planning Board Clerk



To accept the resignation of Chris DeBolt as Planning Board Clerk and to appoint Patty Happy as Planning Board Clerk

Moved By: Oreschnick Seconded By: Combs
Ayes: 7 Nayes: 0 Abstain: 0



A motion was made by Oreschnick, seconded by Combs to adjourn the meeting at 7:30 PM. The motion passed unanimously.


Respectfully Submitted,

Patty Happy

Planning Board Clerk