Town of Hartford Planning Board
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Members Members Absent:
Chairman: Michael Swezey Chris DeBolt
Vice Chairman: Patty Happy
Secretary: Randy White
Member: Vito Cavallari
Member: William Cuddy
Member: Robert Oreschnick
Also Present:
Alternate: Stephen LeBlanc Town Attorney Jeff Meyer
Alternate: Code Enforcement
Meeting Opened at 7:00 PM via Zoom due to COVID-19 Pandemic
Appointment: Chairman Swezey appoints Alternate member LeBlanc as a voting member.
Application# 20-2 Applicant: Christopher and Michele Lavin
Parcel ID# 140.-1-28.1 206 North Road Fort Ann NY 12827
Location: 3603 State Route 196 Brian Olesen, Guns Realty
1702 Central Ave Albany NY 12205
Description: Boundary line adjustment to convey 9.83 acres from Guns Realty, LLC to Christopher and Michele Lavin.
Motion: Exempt as a boundrary line adjustment.
Moved by: Swezey Seconded by: Oreschnick
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Abstain: 0
Description: Guns Reality LLC to convey 9.83 acres to the Lavins
Motion: Both applicants must signed the application and prsent it to this Board prior to the signing of the Mylar by Chairman and Secretary reflecting the boundrary line adjustment.
Communication: None
Motion to close the meeting:
Moved by: Happy Seconded by: Swezey
Ayes: 7 Nays: 0
Abstain: 0
Meeting Closed at 7:30
Respectfully submitted,
Randy White
Secretary, Planning Board
Town of Hartford