October 28, 2014

Town of Hartford Planning Board Meeting

October 28, 2014

Members Present:

Gary Burch, Vice Chairman

Michael Swezey, Chairman

Ron Combs

Chris DeBolt, Clerk/Alternate

Bob Oreschnick


Also Present:

Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town

Mark Miller

Members Absent:

Phil Gibson

Leonard Moore

Barry Goldstein

Nancy Pillar, Alternate


Chairman Swezey opened the meeting at 7:03p.m.


A motion was made by Combs, seconded by Oreschnick to approve the minutes of September 23, 2014 meeting as submitted. The motion passed by roll call vote.


Old Business:


Pauquette Boundary Line Adjustment (Project # 00-14):


A boundary line adjustment previously submitted to the Planning Board, and approved as exempt from subdivision regulations, was resubmitted to the board, as the applicant did not file the signed mylar with the county in the timeframe specified, and therefore the previous approval granted by the board had expired. The mylar present before the board at the current meeting is the same as that previously submitted.


A motion was made by Oreschnick, seconded by Combs to declare the project as a boundary line adjustment, and exempt from subdivision review and authorize the Chairman and Clerk to sign the submitted mylar as per the previous approval granted by the board. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Other Business:

A motion was made by Chairman Swezey, seconded by Oreschnick to recommend to the Town Board that Chris DeBolt be appointed to fill the Planning Board vacancy created by the resignation of Barry Goldstein, pending the receipt of said resignation by the Town Board. The motion passed by unanimous roll call vote, with Chris DeBolt abstaining from the discussion and vote.


Chris DeBolt, owner of Fiddlehead Creek LLC, made a presentation to the board regarding his plans to erect two new barns on his property. These barns will be used solely for the purposes of his agricultural business. Mr. DeBolt presented the proposed construction to the board so they were aware of his plans, and asked the board whether they would require a Site Plan application for this project. After discussion among the members and with the attorney for the town, the board stated that the proposed construction, being wholly part of an existing agricultural business within the town, was exempt from Site Plan Review, and that Mr. DeBolt did not need to submit an application for this project.





A motion was made by Burch, seconded by Swezey to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed unanimously.



Respectfully Submitted,

Chris DeBolt, Planning Board Clerk