January 27, 2015

Town of Hartford Planning Board Meeting

January 27, 2015


Members Present:

Phil Gibson

Michael Swezey, Chairman

Gary Burch, Vice Chairman

Bob Oreschnick

Leonard Moore

Ron Combs

Chris DeBolt, Clerk


Also Present:

Jeff Meyer, Attorney for the Town

Mark Miller, Code enforcement officer for the Town

Scott White, Evergreen Valley Tech Facility LLC

Debbie White, What’s Cooking

John Winn, Rasweiler Property


Members Absent:

Gary Burch, Vice Chairman

Nancy Pillar, Alternate


Chairman Swezey opened the meeting at 7:00p.m.


A motion was made by Combs, seconded by Oreschnick to approve the minutes of the November 25, 2014 meeting as submitted. The motion passed unanimously.


New Business:


Evergreen Valley Tech Facility, LLC (#15-01):


Mr. Scott White, of 27 Swamp Lane appeared before the board regarding the operation of Evergreen Valley Tech Facility LLC within the Town of Hartford. Mr. White informed the board that he wishes to start a company of this name and operate it from his home at 27 Swamp Lane. The business provides professional technical support to the medical industry and specifically to users of electronic medical records software.


The business is done completely over the internet and via phone. There will be no customers physically visiting his residence, and all operations will be carried out from his residence.


After his presentation, Mr. White answered several questions from the board relating to details of the business and its operations. Following these questions, a motion was made by Combs, seconded by Oreschnick to deem the business known as Evergreen Valley Tech Facility LLC (EVTF) located at 27 Swamp Lane in the Town of Hartford as exempt from Site Plan Review as a home business. This motion passed by unanimous roll call vote.


Debbie White:


Ms. Debbie White, owner of What’s Cooking restaurant in Hartford, presented to the board her plans to open a concession stand near the intersection of State Route 40 and State Route 196 in the hamlet of South Hartford. She inquired of the board what steps she would need to gain approval for such a project. The board informed Ms. White that the proposed project would be subject to the Town’s Site Plan Review law, and that several permits may also be required from the NYS Departments of Health and Transportation as well the potential need to obtain a building permit from Washington County should she choose to construct a permanent structure as part of the concession stand operation.


Ms. White indicated that she planned to complete the Site Plan Review Application provided to her by the Town Clerk and return at the next Planning Board meeting to formally make her application.


Old Business:


Rasweiler Prroperty (#14-08):

Mr. John Winn, attorney for the land owners of the parcels in question, was present and indicated that his clients had decided to convey proposed parcel #3 to an adjoining landowner (Mr. David Keys, parcel ID #158.-2-7) as a boundary line adjustment. The board informed Mr. Winn that by doing so, Lots #1 and #2 could then be sold as they are each described independently on the deeds provided to the board, and each lot would have sufficient road frontage for access.


As this proposal meets with Mr. Winn’s client’s approval and would satisfy the requirements of the Town of Hartford Subdivision Regulations, Mr. Winn indicated his client would be willing to move forward with having an official Mylar prepared indicating the lot line adjustment as described to the board, and that he would return at a subsequent meeting to have the Planning Board approve the lot line adjustment and make an official determination that lots #1 and #2 can then be sold off independently.


At 8:25pm, a motion was made by Combs, seconded by Moore to adjourn the meeting. This motion passed by unanimous vote.


Respectfully submitted,

Chris DeBolt

Hartford Planning Board Clerk