Eldridge Lane property online auction is up and running.

The Auctions International online auction for the County owned Hartford Eldridge Lane Property is now up and running. This 485 acre property is owned by the County but they are now selling it after much prompting by Hartford because the need to construct an ash landfill for the Hudson Falls burn plant never happened.

The property is listed as 3 deeded parcels; 241 acres, 129 acres, and 115 acres.
All parcels own road frontage on Eldridge Lane.

I have pasted the link below which will take you to it. From this site, you will need to copy and paste it into your browser.

I have heard that there will not be much real action until the very last day but I think it is encouraging that there is some action at this early point.

If you want to see the bidding history and who is bidding, go to each parcel and click on “more info” and then click on “bidding history”.

